Lost Baggage?
Despite of all the automation on baggage tracking, loading and delivering to its rightful owner on arrival, there are situations where customer baggage is left behind or missed connection in transit and therefore has the need for custom clearing and delivering such bags to its rightful owner on arrival. LA+ offers a solution to all airlines at major airports whereby an airline with one phone call / email can pass on that responsibility to us.
We offer custom clearance and three delivery options for our clients, which are special same day delivery within 3 hours of custom clearance within 20 mile radius, same day delivery in London area or an overnight delivery service all over UK. Our operations team has the necessary tools to track all the baggage tillthey are delivered to its owner.
We offer custom clearance and three delivery options for our clients, which are special same day delivery within 3 hours of custom clearance within 20 mile radius, same day delivery in London area or an overnight delivery service all over UK. Our operations team has the necessary tools to track all the baggage tillthey are delivered to its owner.